Thursday, May 4, 2017

Image result for wet plate photography

Wet Plate Collodion Photography 

wet plate photography was invented in 1851 by Fredrick Scott Archer. It was mostly used for portriats and became popular when soldiers sent photographs back to their families.  Wet plate collodion is made on glass. collodian mixture and silver nitrate make up the ink for the photo. Its a long process of developing and waiting for the photo to be perfect.


Image result for cyanotype photography      

Cyanotype Photography
Cyanotype photography was invented by Sir John Herscheal. It was mostly used for documenting plants and for engineer plans. It was used alot by learning photographers. It was a much easier and less expensive way of photography. Its made by brushing  potassium ferricyanide and peroxide ferric amountium citrius green  onto a surface. Then it is left to dry in the dark to be framed and to dry again.

Gum bichromate photography 
Bichromate photography was made by Mango Ponton. it is a mix of coloids and cromium salts.
the darker the print for gum bichromate the thicker the gum and the lighter is how close you are getting to the paper. to get a gum bichromate photo you must mix your substances together and then brush your photo with emolgin and set to dry in a dark room. Then you must develope your photo.
Image result for gum bichromate photography